viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017

What to do for Convert your App into a Progressive Web App


I'm going to explain what to do for Converting your App into a Progressive Web App. Or what's the same, for using Service Workers.

Here you can see the demo of a Progressive Web App with Service Workers.

It's very easy.

You have to use Angular/Cli in your Angular App and do the next three steps:

- First, you have to change your Angular/Cli config file and add the next line:

"apps": [
{ "serviceWorker": true } ]

- Second, you have to install the Service Workers dependency:

npm i @angular/service-worker --S

- And finally, you have to add the external links from your index.html for use the cache on them, modifying the generated file ngsw-manifest.json:

"external": {
"urls": [
{"url": ""},
{"url": ""},
{"url": ""},
{"url": ""}

And that's all!

Try it and have fun!

lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017

How to define repository ownership in JPA with Spring Security?

Hi, everybody!

Today I'm going to explain how to define repository ownership in JPA with Spring Security.

First of all, we are going to explain what is a repository: is an interface of JPA that provide the access to a database table modeled with hibernate.

In this interface, you can define any JPA or native query and you can change the behaivour of any call.

For example, you can have this:

public interface MyHibernateModelClassRepository extends JpaRepository<MyHibernateModelClass, Long> {


With this implementation, you can call any CRUD method.

Now, I'm going to explain how to define ownership of this JPA interface:

With the same example, you can have this:

public interface MyHibernateModelClassRepository extends JpaRepository<MyHibernateModelClass, Long> {

    @PreAuthorize("#entity == null || ==")
    <S extends MyHibernateModelClass> S save(S entity);

    @PreFilter("filterObject == null ||")

    <S extends MyHibernateModelClass> List<S> save(Iterable<S> entities);

    @PostAuthorize(" ==")

    MyHibernateModelClass findOne(Long integer);

    @PostFilter(" ==")

    List<MyHibernateModelClass> findAll();

With this call, you implemented a JPA interface with ownership, where the CRUD calls can only be used by the user logged in the application is the same of the attribute id in the database table modeled with Hibernate MyHibernateModelClass.

I'm going to provide another example, which use a method of the hibernate entity that response with a boolean if the CRUD method can be use by this user.

Here is the next example:

(hibernate entity have this method):
public boolean hasMetadadaWithId(Long id) {
return (metadades.getId().equals(id));

And the JPA repository shows like this:

public interface MyHibernateModelClassRepository extends JpaRepository<MyHibernateModelClass, Long> {

@PreAuthorize("#entity == null || #entity.hasMetadadaWithId(")
    <S extends MyHibernateModelClass> S save(S entity);

    @PreFilter("filterObject == null || filterObject.hasMetadadaWithId(")

    <S extends MyHibernateModelClass> List<S> save(Iterable<S> entities);
    MyHibernateModelClassfindOne(Long integer);


    List<MyHibernateModelClass> findAll();

And that's all!

For any question, ask me!

Try it and have fun!

martes, 10 de octubre de 2017

How to configure an unic properties file for Spring 4.3.3 application

Here you are!

Today I'm going to explain how to configure one or more properties files for Spring 4.3.3 application, with active profiles of Spring cofigured in the server on the run call.

You have to create a file, I named properties-context.xml with the next content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

<beans profile="DES">
    <bean id="props" class="">
        <property name="location" value="classpath:properties/"/>

<beans profile="INT">
    <bean id="props" class="">
        <property name="location" value="classpath:properties/"/>

<beans profile="PRO">
    <bean id="props" class="">
        <property name="location" value="classpath:properties/"/>


In this file, you can see that we use three profiles={DES,INT,PRO}

This configuration will use the last Spring configuration and will be always on the last version.

The, you have to import this file to the root-context.xml file or the main configuration file of Spring.

The line you have to add id this:

<!-- properties context -->
<import resource="properties-context.xml" />

Then, for load the diferents profiles, you have to call the server with the parameter:

In this call, you can use more than one active profile and will load any profiles defined in the call.

For use more than one profile you can call them like this:,OTHER_PROFILE.

Also, you can load any amount of properties files changing the value of the location parameter, like this:

<property name="location" value="classpath:properties/,classpath:properties/"/>

This is the way for load properties files in Spring 4.3.3.

Try it and have fun!